Our Most Requested Services

Sample Trip Quotes

To give you a ballpark idea, here are some sample quotes for requests we’ve gotten from our customers:

Example #1:

A middle school in Chandler, Arizona recently booked a charter bus for their annual 8th grade field trip to the Grand Canyon. With 45 students and 5 chaperones, they needed a full-size bus with at least 55 seats. The round-trip journey from Chandler to the Grand Canyon and back totaled 540 miles. Since it was a multi-day trip spanning 3 days and 2 nights, the school was charged a daily rate of $3200 per day plus the driver’s hotel costs. The total charter bus rental cost for this educational field trip came out to $9,900.

Example #2:

A large tech company in Chandler, Arizona needed transportation for their annual corporate retreat. With over 200 employees attending, they required multiple charter buses to shuttle everyone from the office to the retreat venue 30 miles away. Due to the long travel distance and large group size, the company was quoted $4,500 for three 56-passenger charter buses for the day. This price included the buses for 10 hours, as well as parking fees and gratuity for the professional team. By chartering multiple buses, the cost per employee ended up being just $22.50 for a fun, comfortable group travel experience!

Example #3:

A high school football team in Chandler, Arizona needed transportation for an upcoming tournament in Las Vegas. With 45 players, 8 coaches, and plenty of equipment to haul, the team settled on renting a full-sized charter bus with undercarriage storage bays. The rental company quoted them $5,500 for a round-trip journey spanning 3 days and 2 nights. The team was also responsible for covering any tolls, parking fees, and a suggested 15% gratuity for the excellent service.

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